Some premises that guide my work with people:

Humans possess the adequate resources to manage their lives satisfactorily and have the capability to choose and decide.

Being at an impasse doesn't mean we lack personal resources; it means the resources are temporarily unavailable. The task, therefore, is to move through blocks using communication and experimentation.

Every person is multi-faceted

I hold the belief that within every life event exists its counterpart. For instance, in instances where individuals express negative self-descriptions, embedded within them could be their opposites. We are all composed of both light and shadow, with visible aspects and those still awaiting emergence, often revealing only one facet of ourselves externally. Change isn't about erasing or altering this dynamic; it's about incorporating diverse perspectives.

The other is unknowable: we cannot change others but we can change how we interact with them.

I believe we can only hypothesise and "negotiate" bits of mutual knowledge in the here and now and within relationships; it's always about meeting people where they are - in the present. This is the only time and space we have and precisely because of this - it's unique and it's a space of great possibilities. Relationships have the power to change people.

Being useful

Once more, Gianfranco Cecchin's writings have illuminated a crucial difference: being useful to a client is distinct from merely offering help. This realisation stands as a significant milestone in my career. Striving to be useful in my practice leads me to a place of quiet presence, where I refrain from excessive action or words, instead providing a space for genuine listening. I've observed that people readily grasp this concept; it grants them the autonomy to activate their own inner resources, fostering meaningful self-discovery and empowerment.

premesse che mi guidano chiara veneri
To propose

Given the inherent freedom and capability within each individual, my role is simply to present ideas, paths, models, theories, and tools for my clients to consider. I then observe the outcomes, offer reflections, and assist them in either realigning or affirming the direction they wish to pursue.

Chiara Veneri

I am a dedicated professional specialising in guiding development and transformation with individuals and groups.

I support individuals and organisations in unlocking their potential and empowering them to carve their own paths.

I am a professional within the scope of the Legge 14 gennaio 2013, n. 4 (Disposizioni in materia di professioni non organizzate). Copyright @Chiara Veneri 2024


tel: +39 3484422892

Copyright @Chiara Veneri 2024